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Maximising opportunities, minimising costs and liabilities

Whether you are a small nursery or a large university, our multidisciplinary team of estate education property specialists understands your challenges. We know the hurdles you have to navigate and, above all, that your primary focus is educating inquisitive young minds and creating safe and sustainable environments for them to learn, enjoy and play.

What is arguably more important than our technical expertise is that our service is underpinned by our:

  • Desire to provide informed and impartial advice
  • Professional and highly responsive service
  • Ability to think creatively – solving what some might consider intractable problems

Every client is different. Every brief is different. Every organisation’s challenges are different, so every recommendation we make and every assignment we work on is tailored and different.

To find out how we can help and for education property advice, please call Molly Skinner or Emily Halpin or complete our enquiry form and we will get back to you.

Working seamlessly together, our multi-disciplined Education team’s expertise includes:

Whether you are considering or just exploring the viability of acquiring, expanding or disposing of your property assets, talk to us first.

Our Acquisition & Disposal team combines extensive knowledge of sector trends with local market knowledge. Our advice is informed and critical to clients’ decision-making process.

The team works very closely with other specialists drawn from across the firm – such as Building Surveyors, Business Rates Advisors, Planners, and Valuers. That’s why our Education Sector clients are guaranteed direct access to an integrated, multidisciplinary team of specialists advising them, should they require it. This eliminates any ‘gaps’ between advisors’ counsel and ensures clients always know that they are the epicentre of our thinking.

Please call or email us for acquisition and disposal advice and counsel.

Our Building Consultants can advise on every stage of a property’s or project’s life cycle.

Their extensive expertise includes:

  • Pre-Acquisition, and Condition Surveys
  • Project Management
  • Dilapidations
  • Expert Witness Reports
  • Defect Appraisals
  • Reinstatement Cost Assessments
  • Schedules of Condition
  • Development Monitoring

If you have any building surveying issues, please call or email us, and we will come straight back to you.

We know that many organisations like yours are paying more than they should be because:

  • They are not claiming reliefs, allowances, and exemptions they qualify for
  • Their Rateable Value (RV) has been miscalculated – hence their Business Rates bills are higher than they should be

If you have any doubts or have a valid claim, please call or email us because we can help you save money.

If you require accurate, data-rich documentation and geo-facts to help you make critical decisions, or Land Registry-compliant plans to support your project, call us.

Our Geospatial Data specialists can help you by providing current and accurate intel which will allow you to make informed decisions such as:

  • Accurate large-scale plans will help you make strategic decisions about your property assets
  • How many households there are in a set radius from your school/academy/nursery
  • Enabling your deeds and agreements to be geo-referenced
  • Commissioning a GPS survey to peg boundaries around your ‘estate’ to help you resolve a neighbour dispute or challenge Land Registry

If you need access to accurate geodata, please call or email us, and we will come straight back to you.

Whether you:

  • Are considering how you could reduce your energy costs
  • Are exploring ways to generate your own ‘green energy’
  • Have been approached by a developer or energy company (looking for new locations for their solar panels or even a wind turbine or two)

… talk to us.

Our specialist team focuses on green and carbon-related services such as:

  • Issues identified above
  • Helping organisations reach their Net Zero goals
  • Reviewing commercial proposals and negotiating the best possible terms for you

If you would like to explore and understand the potential of green energy & sustainability for you, please call or email us because we can help.

Whether you are a landlord or a tenant, we can help you with:

  • Rent reviews
  • Lease renewals (inside and outside the 1954 Act)
  • Alternative dispute resolution (be it independent expert arbitration, or mediation)
  • Lease advice
  • Lease extension advice
  • Lease restructures
  • New leases
  • Expert witness

We can help you find the right and most equitable solution to any rent or lease issues you might face – either now, or in the future.

For any lease and rent-related education property advice, please call or email us, and we will come straight back to you.

The twin disciplines of Planning and Development can enhance your facilities (and therefore your ‘offer’) and unleash the untapped value lying dormant in your property assets.

Do you:

  • Have surplus assets which could be reimagined or re-purposed via ‘Change of Use’
  • Need specialist advice to secure consent for new buildings or extensions
  • Need guidance with applications for grant funding
  • Have surplus land/property which could be developed

Call us if the answer is ‘Yes’ to any or all of the statements above. Our team of planning consultants has extensive experience with all planning-related services – from undertaking feasibility analysis and managing every stage of the planning application process to making Local Plan and Neighbourhood Plan representations and undertaking Environmental Impact Assessments.

This is a complex area, so please call or email us to find out how we can successfully help you navigate this labyrinth.

Are you considering how to:

  • Identify new income streams from your non-core assets
  • Enhance value from your non-core property portfolio
  • Audit third-party occupation arrangements to ensure you are optimising revenue opportunities
  • De-risk the possibility of neighbours claiming rights across your property, boundary disputes, or property compliance breaches

If the answer to at least one of the above propositions is ‘Yes’, call or email us because we can help.

Property is probably your second largest expenditure and most valuable asset class – apart from students and your employees.

We know that a short-term miscalculation could result in a major longer-term financial and operational calamity. That is why our education sector clients appoint us – to help minimise their property costs and liabilities whilst optimising their property investments.

Our Strategic Consultancy team is experienced in helping clients align their property and asset strategies with their strategic, financial and operational goals – whilst advising on and helping to future-proof their property portfolio.

Identifying opportunities, minimising costs and liabilities and ensuring that your property portfolio delivers for you is what we do best.

For an exploratory conversation or strategic property advice, please call or email us, and we will come straight back to you.

If you are looking for informed, impartial and independent Valuation advice, whether it’s to review your current situation, make informed decisions around capital projects and strategy, or perhaps you have a specific valuation need, talk to us.

Our Valuation team has extensive experience with RICS Red Book Valuations of Educational Assets for a variety of purposes, including:

  • Taxation and statutory matters
  • Financial reporting
  • Secured lending
  • Mergers/acquisitions
  • Charity Act valuations/qualified surveyors reports

We act for various education clients, from single independent schools to nurseries, academies, group operators, colleges and universities.

For any valuation related advice, please call or email us, and we will come straight back to you.

Read our Moulton College case study here.

Clients benefit from integrated and holistic property advice – one team, one plan, one goal.

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