Background and industry experience

Mick is a Partner in the Property Management Client Accounting Services team. With over 40 years of experience, he has managed commercial portfolios, large office buildings, shopping centres and mixed-use schemes for a wide range of clients. In addition, Mick also specialises in challenging service charge costs on behalf of occupier clients and offers occupiers a property and lease database.

Mick also assists with business development for the CPM division and training/developing staff within the CAS team.

Mick lives in Southminster on the Dengie peninsula with his wife Tracey. He owns and manages a carp fishery and likes spending time with his children and grandchildren at their static caravan on the Essex coast at Walton-on-the-Naze.

About me

When did you join Fisher German?

Why did you join Fisher German?
The merger with Matthews & Goodman

What has been your favourite project and why?
ExCeL London - A unique instruction that I have worked on since 2000

Most admired, non-property brand?

Top pastime?
Walking near the seaside

Best holiday destination?
Corralejo in Fuerteventura

One item to take to a desert island?
A sun hat

Who would you like to be stranded in a lift with?
Jeremy Clarkson

Favourite film?
The Green Mile

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