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High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire

Project summary

  • Planning application for the redevelopment of a brownfield site, within a conservation area for 228 dwellings
  • The site is located in a deprived section of High Wycombe, on a sensitive junction between a diverse residential area and a lively local shopping district
  • It comprises a group of commercial buildings, some of which have been vacant for over 25 years
  • It includes the locally listed Birch House which is remembered as the first ‘G Plan’ furniture factory in High Wycombe. This was to be retained as a significant heritage asset and provided inspiration for the architecture of the new interventions


  • The Fisher German Planning Team submitted and managed planning application for Leigh Street High Wycombe.
  • Fisher German worked with the client, consultant team and Local Planning Authority to ensure that the project was progressed in a timely manner to ensure that the clients and Council’s deadlines were met. Fisher German ensured that the respective technical reports coordinated to result in a clear development form balancing a number of constraints.


  • Through collaboration and taking a balanced approach, we were able to secure consent for the scheme within 10 months of appointment. Fisher German developed strong working relationships with the Council and the team to ensure that the project was progressed efficiently

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