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Colleagues from our Ashby offices took to new heights as part of a charity challenge which saw them raise thousands of pounds for good causes. A team of 12 colleagues completed the Three Peaks Challenge tackling the highest mountains in Scotland, England and Wales in aid of the Henry Sale Foundation.
The team began with an early-morning climb of Scotland’s Ben Nevis before taking on England’s Scafell Pike in the dark the same evening and finally moving on to Snowdon, in Wales, early the following morning. 
While some of the colleagues had climbed the mountains individually, it was the first time that anyone in the group had taken on the challenge. 
The group has so far raised over £5,500, smashing their initial £5,000 target, which will be donated to the charity established in memory of our former Managing Partner, Henry Sale. It supports charitable causes that enable education and social inclusion through sport and the countryside.
The Three Peaks Challenge is one of several fundraising events and challenges being held by the business to support the foundation, with the firm donating more than £230,000 to the charity since it was established. 
Our Marketing Manager, Laura Jane Taylor, who organised the challenge, said: “It was a fantastic, and very challenging, experience which everyone who took part enjoyed. “We were blessed with the weather which gave us some fantastic views, but the heat also added to the challenge, and we also had to recover quickly between each hike to complete the three ascents.
“We had a real mix of people taking part, and it was great to see colleagues right from graduates to Partners from different areas of the business taking on the challenge – it was a great opportunity for team building.  We’re thrilled to have smashed our fundraising target for the Henry Sale Foundation.
“The foundation has recently supported projects including an apprenticeship bursary with Northampton Saints Foundation and Chance to Shine, which offers free cricket sessions to children across Leicestershire, so it’s excellent to know that the funds we have raised will have a direct impact on the lives of others.”
Richard Broome, one of our partners and Head of Infrastructure Management who also took part in the challenge, said: “It was a challenge where I believe everyone, regardless of fitness, had to ‘dig deep’ to overcome at least one issue or another. From exhaustion to injury, sleep deprivation or blisters, the resolve shown was inspiring.
The teamwork, motivation and support shown to ensure everyone who started each mountain reached the summit together are what makes FG the organisation it is.
From the most junior person last time a team from Ashby did this back in 2008 to the most senior this time, 16 years later, it was a different experience but the determination and resolve throughout the group was equally inspiring and makes me extremely proud to have been part of.”
People Communication Specialist, Harry Marshall added: “The challenge was definitely one of the toughest things I have ever done. Nothing can quite prepare you for how challenging it will be, not only physically, but mentally too.
Everyone pulled together to support each other and even when we were all tired and potentially grumpy, we made sure we were pulling in the same direction. I am proud of the whole team who all went well out of their comfort zones to complete the challenge to raise a great amount of money for the Henry Sale Foundation.”
Laura Bailey, Henry’s daughter, and a trustee of the charity said: “The Henry Sale Foundation is delighted and extremely grateful to be the chosen charity for Fisher German’s Three Peaks Challenge. 
“The positive impact Henry Sale Foundation funds have on so many lives by financially supporting charity projects is tangible. The money raised from this challenge will make a significant difference to more projects enabling education and social inclusion through sport and the countryside.
“Henry himself did the Three Peaks Challenge as part of a Fisher German team from their Market Harborough office back in 2007 so would have a full appreciation of what the 2024 team took on.”
You can support the team by making a donation