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Following the announcement that the government will invest £1.8bn into building new homes on brownfield land in England, Fisher German’s head of planning Liberty Stones has welcomed the funding, but says the devil is in the detail.

She said: “The funding is welcomed, but as always, the devil is in the detail, and we look forward to hearing more on both how it will be allocated and how it can be spent.

“The viability of brownfield sites is the key reason they are not delivered.

“In addition, the sites are generally located within town or city centres, and it can be challenging to deliver a varied mix of housing to include homes which suit families and that they want to move to.

“Politics can also come into play, and we have seen applications for development in urban areas on brownfield sites being rejected by planning committee on grounds such as access, despite there being no objection from Highways Authorities.

“It will therefore be interesting to see if the government puts measures in place to ensure that new homes on brownfield sites can be delivered successfully.”

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