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Good working relationships deliver outline planning consent within clients commercial deadline

Project summary

  • An outline planning application was progressed for 88 dwellings on behalf of a promoter client. The application was made on the basis of its preferred option status, that Fisher German secured in the emerging Local Plan and having regard to the fiveyear housing land supply
  • Owing to commercial time pressures, the client needed the application to be taken to a Committee by a set date, in order to enable time for the S106 to be signed ahead of the site being disposed of by the end of the year


  • Having regard to the time critical deadlines imposed by the client, the Planning Team developed a good relationship with the Planning Officer, communicating on a nearly daily basis to ensure that any matters raised by key stakeholders were dealt with immediately. The team agreed a Committee date which met the clients’ timescales and worked with the Planning Officer in order to ensure this was met


  • The Committee date was met and a resolution to grant given by Members.
  • A similar close working relationship was established with the Council’s solicitor to ensure the S106 was promptly agreed for signing. The existing relationship with the Planning Officer has assisted here, with the Officer chasing the solicitor for updates too
  • The project has since been disposed of by Fisher German’s Development Surveyors; within the client’s timescales.

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